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Monday, July 19, 2010


It has been a whirlwind tour of Athens....actually a more of sunbaked tour. However, the top classical sites have not failed to disappoint. Walking in the footsteps of the ancient Greeks through the Agora and the Acropolis has been (multiple superlatives) spectacular and simply marvellous. Standing in the Theatre of Dionysius where Sophocles and Aristophanes staged their plays, walking on the Panathenic way where Plato and Socrates and standing in front of the Acropolis where Pericles viewed his finest building commission are the highlights of a lifetime.

Known as the crowning jewel of Athenian democracy, the Panthaneon on the Acropolis has endured many trangressions. Desecrated by early Christians, then converted into a church, converted into a mosque, bombed by the Venetians and finally bought over in a fire sale by Lord Elgin, the monument has certainly lost some of 5th century glory. Yet, it's a classical beauty of perfect proportions. The Greeks certainly are working hard to restore here (and other adjacent temples and sites). Certainly the New Acropolis Museum is a modern wonder to behold and also a political plea for the return of the Elgin (Parthaneon) marbles.

It's not all history, ruins and museums though. There was shopping in the Plaka for a pair of custom fit leather sandals at Stavros Melissinos, the poet sandalmaker of Athens and the best souvaki ever at Thanasis. Next stop is a trip though the Peloponnese.